5 Ways To Get More Usable Photos of your Kids- with Any Camera
by: Katie Kitterman- Owner of Katie Kitterman Photography www.katiekittermanphotography.com
Use props to get natural smiles- toys, sticks, flowers, bubbles, etc. If you give your child something to focus on, chances are they will forget the camera is even there! They are now engaged with that item and not bored with you telling them to smile. With props you may get candid, funny moments which are the best! (More on that later!) (In the last photo he was holding a stick and pretending it was a microphone!)


Make 'em laugh, but....don't say cheese! When you tell kids to "say cheese" you usually get squinty eyes, funny faces, and not the natural smiles that you are looking for! Try funny noses, asking them about their day, about their brothers or sisters, play peek a boo, or ask them to repeat after you with a super silly word. Another way to get them interested and engaged in the photos is to show them the photos in the camera! Every camera or phone now has a screen that displays the photo after it's taken. Little ones LOVE to see themselves in the camera! Sometimes I even make it a "competition" amongst siblings to see who has the best smile! Works every time! :)

Get a NEW perspective! Get down to their level. People tend to photograph at their level looking down but if you get down to their level, their world becomes your world!

Look for the light! Window light is the best indoor light! You might find this in your living room, master bedroom or even bathroom. Walk around your house at different times of the day to see where the light is best. While outdoors the lighting can be a bit trickier! The best light of the day is either found early when the sun is coming up, or later as the sun is setting. In photography this is called the "golden hour" and can add a real pop to your photos. If you can't wait for these "special" times, remember that you don't want your kids looking directly into the sun. This gives you squinty eyes and harsh shadows. Look for shade where you can stand at the edge of the shade, still looking in the direction of the sun. This makes for great light because you are still getting the light on the face, but you aren't far enough back in the shadows to get darkness in the photos. This positioning can make for some great "catchlights" in the eyes! Catchlights are the sparkles in the eyes. You can achieve these by positioning yourself above your child and having him/her looking up at you "catching" the light in their eyes, or having a reflective surface, like a sidewalk, building or even a white shirt that you are wearing reflect that light back to them and lighting up the eyes!

Sneak up on them, watch....and wait....... These can make for the best candid moment shots. Some of my best photos are shots that I have waited patiently for. Watching my boys play together, letting them explore, and just letting them be can make for great memories that you will capture and have for a lifetime! (In the first photo I waited for my son to step in front of me to take his picture so I could take of picture of him....taking a picture, of his new brother. In the last photo, my youngest is so focused on spinning the wheel of the truck that he didn't even know I was there!)

Katie Kitterman is a the owner of Katie Kitterman Photography in Des Moines, Ia. She is a mother of 2 boys and loves to help capture the everyday and special moments of your life! She specializes in maternity, family, newborn and child photography using natural light. You can contact her through her website at www.katiekittermanphotography.com or email her at [email protected].